I like blogging! However, despite running various blogs I've always felt a bit wary about blogging about my love of music.
After all what do I know?
I might be able to strum Sailing on the guitar but I have no musical ability. Despite reading many music magazines I've never written a review of an album or a gig and whilst I take my little camera to gigs my photos aren't usually anything more than personal records of some great nights.
So why do this?
Really I can't give you a straight answer. I love music, it is important to me and I feel it is important that I share my passion somehow and blogging seemed the best way for me to do this.
My music tastes are varied (well I think they are) but at heart I am a rock fan but I am not fixated with the need to categorise rock music into genres and then sub-genres within genres. As a teenager you were allowed, almost expected, to like anything from Marillion to Metallica and I still do.
With the blog I intend to put down my thoughts on albums I buy, gigs I go to and occasionally have a look back at some of the thousands of albums I have scattered around the house and the many gigs I have been to since The Rolling Stones in 1982 (I think that was my first gig).
Nice one Steve - following this with interest!